Source Code: Grid Based Proximity Management

About a year ago I released this demo of grid based proximity management, which was loosely based on some work I had done in Flash 5 (at that time I was calling it zone interaction). Briefly, it allows you to determine which sprites on a 2d plane are near to one another. It is very efficient, and can deal with literally hundreds of sprites (the main limitation is usually the sprites motion and graphics, not the proximity management). For instance, with 350 sprites grid based proximity uses about 700 operations whereas normal iterative proximity testing would use about 61000 operations. For a description of the concept, see my original post on the subject.

When I made the original post, I said I would “be releasing the ProximityManager class in the next few weeks, once I have a chance to play with it further.” Well, I played with it a lot, have used it commercially a few times, and mentioned it in a number of conferences, and still neglected to release it (I’m a naughty boy). Fast-forward to last week, when:

  • We rolled it into 2 more projects.

  • I received a bunch of emails asking when I would release it.

  • Keith (bit-101) released a few experiments based on the concept.

  • Brandon (waxpraxis) released a demo using the concept.

And I finally thought I had procrastinated long enough. I have whipped up a simple demo, and made the full class available for download below.

The ProximityManager class is pretty easy to use. There’s only 4 public methods, and a single public property.

myProxMgr.gridSize – property indicating the granularity of the grid.

myProxMgr.addItem(mc) – adds a movieclip to be tracked by the manager.

myProxMgr.removeItem(mc) – removes a movieclip from the manager.

myProxMgr.getNeighbours(mc) – returns an array of movieclips that are neighbours of the specified clip.

myProxMgr.refresh() – recalculates the grid registration of all of the tracked movieclips.

You can download the demo and AS2 class by clicking here.

If you use the ProximityManager, or have ideas on how to improve/optimize it, let me know in the comments. This class could be extremely useful to the whole community, so it would be great to see it continue to improve.

UPDATE: An optimized AS3 version of the source code is now available here.

Grant Skinner

The "g" in gskinner. Also the "skinner".



  1. I remember someone did something similar 2 or 3 years on I never tried it out, but the idea was always in the back of my head. Your earlier post bumped it a little closer to the front of my head, where it finally found its way out. Nice idea to make a class out of it. Might be worth mentioning that if you are using this type of system for collision detection, the grid size should be the width/height of the largest object. I’m pretty sure that’ll get you the best efficiency without missing any hits.

  2. That’s correct. Your grid size for collision detection should be the same as your largest sprite width or height.

    Also worth noting – you can set up multiple instances of the proximity manager to track different types of sprite. For instance, my eco experiment at:

    Uses 3 proximity managers, one for prey, predators and food.

    It’s also fairly easy to avoid redundant checking within the same group of sprites – the simplest solution is to just assign a numeric id to each sprite in the group and only test siblings against sprites with higher id numbers. I didn’t want to make this an inherent part of the ProximityManager class, because I usually use it to compare different types of sprites (ex. “bullets” against “enemies”), but maybe I’ll update the demo to reflect this and re-upload.

  3. The demo has now been updated to show how to remove redundant checks.

  4. Grant,

    This is a very cool class – however, I appreciate it more for it’s cleverness and coding elegance than its usefulness.

    Can you give us a few examples of how you’ve actually used it, in a real-world setting? What types of projects did you use it in?


  5. stuehler,

    The most obvious commercial applications are games to support collision detection. We also recently used it in a data visualization scenario where we needed to iterate through data points that were in close proximity to one another – it had the potential of up to 1000 points being tracked at a time, so the ProximityManager was a life-saver. It would have taken nearly half a MILLION calculations if we did it iteratively, but with this system it only carried out around 2000 operations, which didn’t even cause a perceptible slow down.

  6. It’d be cool to set this up to not only check against movie clip, but against arbitrary data-types that conform to an interface (eg: must have an _x and _y property, or the ProximityManager must have the properties to set what properties on the objects passed to use as the x/y co-ordinates). That way, you could build data visualizations based on raw data, without needing to create a movieclip for each piece of data.

    Really cool, though, dude.

  7. Actually, I’ve done exactly that in a few implementations. You just have to switch the typing on addItem and removeItem to Object, and it will work with any object that has a _x and _y property.

  8. Cool. You could go the extra step of allowing the consumer to set what properties of the objects get used as the x and y co-ordinates. you lose a bit on the type-safeness, though arguably you lose that by typing to Object, anyway…

  9. Sorry, no…you absolutely lose type safety/checking by typing to Object.

    Gotta stop thinking with my fingers.

  10. If you want to zoom in to a grid and efficiently decide which dots/sprites/whatever you want to render because they are still visible on screen, you can use a related algorithm that stores upper/lower/left/right bounds for a unique id in a given square.

    In the one-dimensional case all you need to to is loop through from the left to right and for each grid section find out what the lowest value of sequential ids there is in the grid. Then you can do the same from right to left with the highest value. Then when you need to find out which items you need to render depending on zoom, you simply look at the left bound, the right bound, and select the value of the id from the left bounds array and the right border from the right bounds array.

    Then when you do a zoom in/out, instead of naively checking whether a said item needs to be rendered, you just look at your array and decide to render everything inside of the bounds that you have set up. Thus there’s no if AT ALL in your rendering loop, you simply abandon sprites that you guess don’t need to be rendered. Since garbage tends to accumulate on the sides, you put all of the sprites inside a movie clip and mask it so the borders where garbage accumulates don’t show.

    I used this algorithm on, and squeezed 45-60 fps while moving about 150-200 sprites (in low quality mode, but with some PNG transparency).

  11. Thank you for this. Very simple, yet ingenious class. This actually might help me with a project that I want to try out. I was thinking you can use this class to simulate gravity between objects. My idea involes using your Proximity code to for a perimeter ariund an object(like a planet) where gravity would be felt. The larger the mass(and therefore gravity field), the larger the perimeter. Anything outside would be considered too far for the gravity to have any impact. Anything inside would have the necessary gravity applied to it based on distance.

    Not sure if I’d feel the same operation-reducing benefits of your original code(since this involves looking out for objects multiple tiles away). But once my inner programmer gets started…

    Think it has a good chance of working?

  12. Something sort of like this, Manny:

    This is a single alrgorithm I’m playing with that handles implosion, explosion, and gravity clustering with 100 objects. It’s really system intense so it may take about a minute after the explosion to work itself into gravity wells. I wrote this long before seeing Grant’s proximity class, so I haven’t incorporated it yet. Given how well it runs without Grant’s class, I figure the proximity grid will make it atleast fast enough to double the number of objects.

  13. Yeah, that looks cool. Do the objects effect each other no matter what the distance or is there a limit? And how many operations do you think it performs per second?

  14. There is a minimum distance before gravity effects are felt by neighbors. As far as how many operations…. too many. Atleast 105,000 per second. Grant’s class should help take care of that, though.

  15. Hi Grant

    I saw your talk at MXDU and have to say I was very impressed. One of the best sessions I went to in the whole conference.

    One of the examples you showed when talking about proximity was a firefly’s clip… one with lightning that shoots between them when they get excited. I’ve been looking for that on here so I could show some friends but haven’t been able to find it. Found the proximity firefly experiment but that is missing the cool lightning effect.

    Just wondering if you have this available to view anywhere online? I’d love to see it again.



  16. Sam,

    That project can be found along with some other very cool pieces on the online iamstatic gallery space at

    Glad you enjoyed the session.

  17. Nice work, as usual grant.

    Hows about setting the grid size dynamically through the addItem method, to ensure that the largest object it is looking after?

    could also look at dynamically changing the grid size based on the number of items in the grid, to improve performance if necessary.

  18. I saw you commented that the grid size for collision detection would be the size of the largest sprite width or height, but if I understand the math correctly, the proximity manager reports neighbours up to (gridSize * 3) distance apart (due to rounding approximations) – so the optimal gridSize would then be:

    largest dimension * (2/3)

    Am I right?

  19. Asteroids 2.04: When Things Collide

    I was away learning about Knowledge Management this week, which will occupy several blog entries as what I learned from this conference experience relates directly to the purpose of this site. But, I also wanted to let you know how…

  20. Is it true that your grid approach can be slower than the regular iterative approach when the number of sprites is not big enough and the operations on each sprite are simple?

  21. Im currently trying to get to grips with some OOP principles for use with AS2.0 and it helps to see other developers approaches. The biggest surprise I got was how concise it was. On a sidenote, I also found you eventHandler entry very informative. Great stuff, thank you.


  22. would it be possible to use this class to detect how close the mouse is to a given mc?

  23. Jed: The proximity manager is built to check a given mc’s grid position compared to a bunch of other mcs. You could modify the ProximityManager class to accept an object in the getNeighbours() method, instead of a movie clip, and pass it an object as such:

    var p = new ProximityManager();

    onEnterFrame = function() {


    trace(p.getNeighbours({_x:_xmouse, _y:_ymouse}));


    I didn’t test it, but you get the idea.

  24. For fun I tried to convert this to AS3 and its not working for some reason. Anyone else try?

  25. Yeah, I’m having trouble porting it to AS3 as well.

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