Automation in Your Daily Workflow

Automation saves you time, your company money, and your employee’s sanity. At gskinner, we have a long history of building workflow tools to aid with anything from creating a simple button in Flash, to managing the build process for entire web apps or JavaScript libraries like CreateJS. Automation doesn’t need to be complicated. Some of my […]

gProject and the Flash CS4 Project Panel

In May I blogged about Adobe acquiring gProject from us. At the time, I wasn’t allowed to talk about what it was going to be used for. Still, it probably doesn’t come as a huge surprise to anyone that the new Project Panel in Flash CS4 is based on gProject. Some of the key features…

Creating AIR Projects with Flash CS3

Currently, you can only create AIR (formerly Apollo) applications with FlexBuilder. Adobe has already announced that they will be adding support to Flash CS3 to create AIR projects, but we wanted a solution in the meantime. As such, we’ve built a panel that lets you test, configure and compile AIR applications from within Flash CS3.

Free Extension: gAlign Panel

When doing design work in Flash (or laying out design elements), one of the most common panels to have open is the Align panel. Its great for relative alignment and distribution, but we thought we could kick it up another couple notches. The result is the gAlign panel.

Using Flash Symbols with ActionScript in Flex

I’ve developed a technique called Shake’n’Bake SWFs, which allows you to utilize Flash symbols in Flex projects with all AS intact. This technique is relatively easy to implement, but I’ve also built a class called FlashLib that handles most of the details for you, and a jsfl script that will set up and update the class for you with one click.