GLIC update

It’s late, but here’s the latest update on GLIC. Things are on track again, and we will be making an official announcement next week (I’m hoping for early next week, but I will definitely be making the announcement before the end of next week). At that time, we should be setting up a mailing list for all interested parties to keep everyone abreast of developments.

I should also be making a big announcement at FlashForward NYC, who incidentally did a profile about me on their blog today – nifty.

As always, I apologize for the delay – the code side of this project turned out to be the easy part. 😛

Grant Skinner

The "g" in gskinner. Also the "skinner".



  1. The Inquisitor May 31, 2005 at 11:33am

    With all these open-source frameworks coming out (EnFlash, ActionStep), that are looking so promising, and go above and beyond what Macromedia has delivered, how do you plan on competing?

  2. Looks to me like GLIC won’t exactly be in the same class of product as EnFlash and ActionStep… Plus it’s complete, as opposed to pre-Alpha: a major plus in my book.

  3. Hi Grant,

    Great to see your framework seeing the light. I want to ask a few important things:

    – Is GLIC MTASC compatible?

    – There are automatic layout with containers?

    – Can you use XML to layout interfaces?

    I’m waiting with expectation to the final release 🙂


  4. put me on that mailing list!

  5. I just been able to track the bug that was crashing my application. Surprise, surprise, it was on the Macromedia ComboBox. I can hardly wait.

  6. By 6/10? How about something today?

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