‘Tis the season: Snow FLA

Well, the -20c temperatures (that’s -4f for those of you stuck with archaic systems of measurement), and 20cm+ of snow (8″) we got over the past week tells me it’s about time to dust off the old snowflakes code, and make it available to the community. There’s a lot of code available for simulating snow, but I think my extensive real-life experience (brrr!) gives mine an edge, plus it comes with a cute peacenik snowman.

This is the same FlashMX version that’s been available on my site for a year and a bit now, with a few minor modifications. I plan to post an MX 2004 class based version, just for the helluvit, in the near future.

You can take a look at the Flash snowfall swf, then download the free FLA. Peace on Earth, and goodwill to men. πŸ™‚

Also, here’s a nice (though completely uncredited – Oscar, you bastard! πŸ™‚ usage of my code with some nice snowflake artwork tossed in.

Grant Skinner

The "g" in gskinner. Also the "skinner".



  1. Hey Grant, I knew I saw that before somewhere… I just modified “some code” I found months ago, I don’t remember where, but it wasn’t your site, of course. My sincere apologies, though I didn’t stole it from you (directly) πŸ™‚

    Anyhow, my snowfall is all about the flakes, and those are mine, unless Nature speaks up! Thanks fot the link πŸ™‚

  2. good thing i live in Ecuador, we got no snow here πŸ™‚

  3. looking at the snow fla from both oscar trelles and you made me think if a day will come when the only snow we’ll ever see is from a computer screen.

  4. Nice work – I love snow.

    Another version:



    Matze K.

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