Blog Spam Update

I don’t know if everyone has seen a huge decrease in blog spam, or if my simple blog spam counter-measures have just paid off, but it’s way down for me. In fact, I haven’t received a single piece of blog spam in over a week now.

Besides the technical changes I made, I’ve also been deleting spam within minutes of it being posted, which hopefully helps to deter manual spammers over the long run, as they realize what a waste of their time it is.

Grant Skinner

The "g" in gskinner. Also the "skinner".



  1. I think those deleting thingy helps. I delete comments spam as soon as it arrives in my mail box. Or are they waiting and watching due to the google change

  2. I follow the same Brajeshwar’s strategy…

    What about the spam vulnerability of Movable Type with the mt-send-entry.cgi script? I wrote a note about that here:

    I recommend you to take action, and inform your colleagues.


  3. I forget to tell you that there is a new version of Movable Type coming in the next 2 months. You can support the requested feature to put a solution to comment spam. I wrote another note about that here:

    I was a victim of a horrible comment attack: In one weekend I got 85 spam comments… thanks to Brajeshwar by the way who help me.

    The record is for Jesse Warden:

    280 spam comments in a few hours!!

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