Wander Motion Class Update

I just uploaded an update to the Wander motion class I released a couple weeks ago.

This version has some new features that I’ve added as I needed them, like:

  • targetObject: set the Wander to use the x/y of another display object as it’s target x/y. There are lots of possibilities with this: you can follow another wandering sprite, follow a sprite moving in a completely different way (ex. a bouncing ball), or even follow a sprite that was tweened in the timeline or via a tweening library.

  • rotationLimit: sets a limit on the maximum amount that the rotation can change in a single update of the wander. You can use this to get nice smooth arcs and more gradual responses (particularly when using targetObject).

  • update(): you can set autoUpdate (which replaces paused) to false, and call update directly if you have a central tick dispatcher.

  • getShortRotation(): exposed this helper method for general use.

  • always operates on the target’s current rotation. Now you can change the rotation between updates, and Wander will use the new rotation properly.

  • oldRotation: stores previous rotation value.

  • fixed a couple of minor issues.

  • included FLAs for the demos.

Here’s a simple demo that uses targetObject and rotationLimit. It’s included in the download. It shows 200 wandering sprites with rotation limits following another sprite with a high varyRotation setting and no rotationLimit.

You can download the updated version, with docs and demos by clicking here.

Grant Skinner

The "g" in gskinner. Also the "skinner".



  1. Very Cool! Thanks for sharing this, I hope to have an opportunity to use this real soon. I’ll share when I do.

  2. Nice work.

    Does it have a 3D interface to use in away3d, PV3D etc?

    Would it be easy enough to implement a z coordinate if you haven’t already?

  3. Didn’t realise I had already posted this question previously, but I did a quick google and saw these 3d flocking articles:



  4. Hi, awesome work you made here. Like always 😀

    One question… Is there an easy way set the initial rotation/direction for particles? At this moment they all go to the right at start.

  5. eh, well.. nevermind… i need to read better the manual. targetRotation was for that.


  6. …now i’m spaming 🙂

    What i needed was to do create particles like this:

    wander = new Wander(clip,{params…});

    wander.target.rotation = degree.

    where degree is the initial direction for the wander particles, in degrees. default is 0.

    ok. now i’m gone for good.

  7. wickedpixel – right, the Wander class will use the rotation of the target. So as you said, it’s just:

    clip.rotation = initialRotation;

    wander = new Wander(clip, …);

  8. Hey.

    I’ve known this class existed for a long time but today I got a reason to use it. Yay!

    Just a minor thing. The props object initializer (“null”) indicates you don’t have to pass an object, but you do, otherwise this line causes error:
    if (!(autoUpdate in props)) { props.autoUpdate = true; }


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