I just uploaded an update to the Wander motion class I released a couple weeks ago.
This version has some new features that I’ve added as I needed them, like:
- targetObject: set the Wander to use the x/y of another display object as it’s target x/y. There are lots of possibilities with this: you can follow another wandering sprite, follow a sprite moving in a completely different way (ex. a bouncing ball), or even follow a sprite that was tweened in the timeline or via a tweening library.
- rotationLimit: sets a limit on the maximum amount that the rotation can change in a single update of the wander. You can use this to get nice smooth arcs and more gradual responses (particularly when using targetObject).
- update(): you can set autoUpdate (which replaces paused) to false, and call update directly if you have a central tick dispatcher.
- getShortRotation(): exposed this helper method for general use.
- always operates on the target’s current rotation. Now you can change the rotation between updates, and Wander will use the new rotation properly.
- oldRotation: stores previous rotation value.
- fixed a couple of minor issues.
- included FLAs for the demos.
Here’s a simple demo that uses targetObject and rotationLimit. It’s included in the download. It shows 200 wandering sprites with rotation limits following another sprite with a high varyRotation setting and no rotationLimit.
'codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0',
'width', '550',
'height', '550',
'src', '/blog/assets/WanderFollow',
'quality', 'high',
'pluginspage', 'http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer',
'align', 'middle',
'play', 'true',
'loop', 'true',
'scale', 'showall',
'wmode', 'window',
'devicefont', 'false',
'id', 'WanderFollow',
'bgcolor', '#FFFFFF',
'name', 'WanderFollow',
'menu', 'true',
'allowFullScreen', 'true',
'movie', '/blog/assets/WanderFollow',
'salign', ''
); //end AC code
You can download the updated version, with docs and demos by clicking here.
Very Cool! Thanks for sharing this, I hope to have an opportunity to use this real soon. I’ll share when I do.
Nice work.
Does it have a 3D interface to use in away3d, PV3D etc?
Would it be easy enough to implement a z coordinate if you haven’t already?
Didn’t realise I had already posted this question previously, but I did a quick google and saw these 3d flocking articles:
wow, nice job!
Hi, awesome work you made here. Like always 😀
One question… Is there an easy way set the initial rotation/direction for particles? At this moment they all go to the right at start.
eh, well.. nevermind… i need to read better the manual. targetRotation was for that.
…now i’m spaming 🙂
What i needed was to do create particles like this:
wander = new Wander(clip,{params…});
wander.target.rotation = degree.
where degree is the initial direction for the wander particles, in degrees. default is 0.
ok. now i’m gone for good.
wickedpixel – right, the Wander class will use the rotation of the target. So as you said, it’s just:
clip.rotation = initialRotation;
wander = new Wander(clip, …);
2 ice
I’ve known this class existed for a long time but today I got a reason to use it. Yay!
Just a minor thing. The props object initializer (“null”) indicates you don’t have to pass an object, but you do, otherwise this line causes error:
if (!(autoUpdate in props)) { props.autoUpdate = true; }