New Authors at gBlog

I’d like to give a warm welcome to the very talented members of the team who will now be posting to the gBlog as opportunity presents:

Phil Chung (of PhilterBlog fame)

Ryan Matsikas (of ChewTinFoil blog fame)

Lanny McNie (not famous, but still cool πŸ˜‰

This should help keep the blog a little more active then it has been lately – I have lots to post, but we have been crazy busy lately, with some very cool client work and glic (news on that soon).

Keep an eye out for their posts, and be sure to say hi in the comments.

Grant Skinner

The "g" in gskinner. Also the "skinner".



  1. Good, now one of you solve this.

    j/k … well not really.

    Anyways, I’m looking forward to the clever stuff you guys come up with.

  2. Well, Hi then πŸ˜‰

    Hope you still keep your own blogs, guys..?

    And: news on glic: when is “soon”..? πŸ™‚


    cheers, Joe

  3. You mean there will be updates now? πŸ™‚

    Hey guys, don’t forget to invite me for lunches when you go, I’m like 2 blocks away.

    Looking forward to see what ya’ll are working on (if you ever finish it all).

  4. Hi Grant. πŸ™‚

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