Grant Skinner

The "g" in gskinner. Also the "skinner".


Yggdrasil 3D: World Tree in Papervision 3D and AS3

I’ve been meaning to play with Papervision for awhile, but haven’t found the time. I finally squeezed in a little time to tinker, and the result is Yggdrasil 3D. The Yggdrasil is the world tree in Norse mythology that spans the underworld, earth and the heavens.

The scene is generated entirely programmatically (no prebuilt textures or models). Parts of it were harder than I expected, but I’m starting to get a good grip on it, and plan to do a series of experiments in ActionScript 3 and Papervision 3D.

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AIR Panel for Flash CS3 Updated

We’ve updated our panel for testing, configuring and packaging AIR applications in Flash CS3. The most significant updates are the addition of a setting for window mode (system or transparent), and support for XML round-tripping, so edits/additions to the AIR application XML file will be preserved.

We’ve also tweaked the interface, and made some other minor updates. Click over to the original post for installation instructions, and a download link. Please use extension manager to remove the previous extension prior to installing this version! Everything should still run ok, but removing the old version in the future may cause problems.

We think we’ve also isolated the issues some people were having with packaging to a bug in the JSAPI, and have added troubleshooting information about this to the end of the original post.

Thank you to everyone who tested it, and provided feedback! Please continue to do so.

Creating AIR Projects with Flash CS3

UPDATE: Official Adobe AIR support, August 21

Adobe has released official support for AIR in Flash CS3. We’ll keep the AIR panel available, but it’s unlikely it will be updated any further. Get the Flash CS3 update for AIR.

Currently, you can only create AIR (formerly Apollo) applications with FlexBuilder. Adobe has already announced that they will be adding support to Flash CS3 to create AIR projects, but we wanted a solution in the meantime. As such, we’ve extended the work that Guy Watson began with his “Test in Apollo” jsfl command, and built a panel that lets you test, configure and compile AIR applications from within Flash CS3.

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Accessing EnterFrame Events in non-Display Objects

Once in a while you want to be able to have an object carry out actions on a frame interval. This is simple to accomplish when you’re working with a DisplayObject, because you can just subscribe to its ENTER_FRAME event directly, but there are times when you need this functionality in a non-display object without passing around a reference to a movieclip. In some cases, you can get by with using a Timer or interval, but this is often not ideal because you have no guarantee how often the event will fire in a single frame (a timer can fire multiple times, or not at all depending on how it synchs up with a frame cycle).

Turns out the solution is ridiculously simple: Just create a flash.display.Shape instance in your object, and subscribe to its ENTER_FRAME event. DisplayObjects do not have to be on the stage to generate enterFrame events.

StyleCollection for CS3 Components

The StyleCollection class lets you create groups of styles that are applied to and automatically updated on subscribing components. It supports both instance and renderer styles (setStyle and setRendererStyle respectively), and uses component introspection to apply only relevant styles to each component. StyleCollection exposes a robust interface, including a static interface that provides global access to named styles.

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Variable Scrollbar Width for CS3 Components

I’ve seen a few people asking for the ability to have variable scrollbar widths in the Flash CS3 component set. Unfortunately, it wasn’t something we were able to get in for the release, but since then I have put a bit of time into the feature, and believe I have it working satisfactorily with all components. I added two styles: scrollBarWidth and scrollArrowHeight. The former controls the width of the scroll bar (or height in a horizontal scroll bar), the latter controls the height of its arrows (allowing you to have irregularly sized arrows).

It’s important to note that this modification has not seen comprehensive testing, and it is not connected with Adobe in any way. Any mistakes are my own, and I’d appreciate if you can let me know about them in the comments.

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Flash Player 9 / AS3 Sound Crashing Bug

Here’s a simple bug in Flash Player 9 that crashes every browser I’ve tested it in. Simply call with an out of range position. For instance, the example below plays a 25 second sound with a starting position of 30,000 milliseconds.

This bug wasted an hour of my time while I tried to figure out why short tracks were crashing a computeSpectrum demo I built, but long tracks weren’t. It turned out I had set a starting position of 2 minutes to jump to a particularly dramatic part of one of the tracks I tested, and I had forgotten about it. Hopefully this post will save someone else the same pain.

This will almost definitely crash your browser, so check to make sure you don’t have anything important open. If it doesn’t crash, post in the comments with your browser / OS / player version.

Click here to turn off the internet (err, view the crash demo)

UPDATE Feb 29, 2008: This bug was fixed in a player 9 update (r60 I believe). Be aware that it can still affect your users, who may not have updated!