Grant Skinner

The "g" in gskinner. Also the "skinner".


SCPlugin updated: SVN Support for OSX

The awesome folk working on SCPlugin for OSX have just released the 0.7 update. I haven’t started using the update yet (downloading it now), but from the release notes it looks like a great release that should provide pretty much all the functionality Mac ActionScript developers will require in day-to-day Subversion use. The most significant updates:

– Accepts user name and password. No more need for a separate command-line copy.

– All the major commands work. Everything in the menu works.

Previously, we’ve used a combination of SVNX for creating repositories, SCPlugin for commits and updates, and the command line for more advanced tasks. Looks like with this release we can stick with just SCPlugin, and the occasional command line operation.

If you’ve been trying to find a good Subversion/SVN client for the Mac, this should be it. I know source control has been a missing part of the puzzle for a lot of Flash and Flex developers who have switched to OSX.

You can read more, and download the installer (also new, no more manual install) from here.

Annoying AS3 Bug with rotation and height/width

I found a very problematic and reproducible bug with ActionScript 3 and simple display object transformations (width, height, rotation), and thought I should document it to save other developers some debugging time.

Put a 200x200px square clip on stage named foo. Add the following code.

foo.height = 100;
foo.rotation = 90;

As expected, this traces 200. It scales the clip vertically, then rotates it, so that it is now 100px wide and 200px high on stage. Now, change the code, and run it again.

foo.rotation = 90;
foo.height = 100;

Unexpectedly, this also returns 200. It should rotate the clip and then apply the vertical scale resulting in a shape that is 100px high and 200px wide on stage. The visual result is identical to the above, when it shouldn’t be.

foo.rotation = 90;
foo.height = 100;
foo.height = 100;

Even stranger, this does trace 100. Unfortunately, the object has been scaled both vertically and horizontally, and is now 100x100px, when it should be 200px wide and 100px high. Seems like the first height assignment gets applied before the rotation, and the second gets applied after the rotation.

Click here to see a (very) simple demo of this behaviour. The left and right blocks should be the same dimensions.

Freaky. I would hazard a guess that this is related to AS3’s weird hybrid of display object properties and transform matrixes.

One workaround would be to work with scaleX and scaleY instead, which are always applied to the original dimensions, and do not account for rotation.

My New Puppy. So cute!

I don’t usually post personal content, but for a puppy, I’ll make an exception. I mean, who doesn’t like puppies?

On Wednesday we picked up our new Bugg (Boston Terrier / Pug cross) puppy and brought him home. He’s named Gir (pronounced grrr), both because he acts a bit like GIR from Invader Zim, and just because I think it’s a cool dog name. Bobi says she’s going to try to make him a green GIR suit one day, though she won’t let me name our future cat Pir. 🙁

Photos after the jump.

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AS 3 Workshop in Toronto with Grant Skinner

I’ve had a lot of people asking me when I’m going to run another workshop, so I thought I should post about it here.

On September 25th, I will be running a one day workshop in Toronto on Introductory ActionScript 3, in partnership with FitC and RMI. As with all my workshops, it will pack a ton of content into the time available (if you don’t leave with a headache, I don’t feel like I’ve done my job), starting with basic AS3 and proceeding quickly into more advanced topics like data loading and parsing, display list management, nitty gritty details on the event model, and more. I’ll also be doing a brief introduction to Flex 3, Flash CS3 and AIR, to get attendees prepared to ask really tough questions at the Adobe onAIR event the next day.

This workshop is targeted at developers with a working knowledge of ActionScript 2, and/or some basic experience with AS3.

We have limited seating available for this workshop, so if you’re interested be sure to sign up. Punching “gskinner” in as the discount code will get you $25 off. If you’re planning to send a few people, fire me or RMI an email and they might be able to hook you up with an even better discount. A full description, and registration information is available here.

If you have any questions about the workshop, feel free to ask in the comments below.

FAVideo Released: Flash Video for JavaScript / AJAX

We had the pleasure of working with Adobe to architect and develop the FAVideo component that Kevin Lynch demoed at AJAXExperience, and which was just released in beta form on the Adobe labs site. It was an interesting project, building a Javascript object that acted as a facade for an embedded Flash video player, and using external interface to communicate between them. The intent is to provide a simple interface for AJAX / Web2.0 developers to embed, control, and play video back in their applications. As such, it has a really robust API for controlling video playback, but it also provides a really simple way for anyone to quickly inject video into their HTML content.

<script lang="javascript">
// simple usage:
var myVideo = new FAVideo("myDiv", "myVideo.flv");
// or a little more customized:
var opts = {skinPath:"SteelOverAll.swf", autoLoad:false, previewImagePath:"preview.jpg"};
var myVideo = new FAVideo("myDiv", "myVideo.flv", 320, 240, opts);

We had to write some interesting logic to deal with delaying method calls while the player SWF loads, as well as writing a custom event model for subscribing to events like cuePoint, progress, and playheadUpdate in Javascript. We also included support for using any Flash 8 video player skin, youtube-style preview images, built-in Flash player detection, and a ton more. Building the Javascript portion of this component was a somewhat nostalgic experience for me, hacking out classes using prototypes. Made me even happier about AS2 & 3.

The trickiest part of the whole thing was getting it to work properly in Internet Explorer. Apparently there’s a series of nasty issues with IE, Flash player, divs and innerHTML – but that’s a topic for another post.

FAVideo is released under a BSD license, so it can be used for commercial projects. You can download the full source on Adobe Labs. Thanks to everyone at Adobe that tested and provided feedback on the component!

The Paperless Office: Fact or Fiction

I try to run a fairly environmentally conscious office. We recycle everything possible, use low-power CLF lighting, work on laptops and LCD monitors exclusively (with the exception of our server), and only turn on the (water cooled) AC when we really need it. We’re not exactly “cutting edge” on the environmental front (like Adobe for instance), but I try to do what we can.

It occurred to me today that the one area that we have been really successful is in paper use. We are essentially a paperless office. We don’t even have a printer in the office, and I don’t really miss it. Documents are all passed around electronically via an interesting combination of SVN, file sharing, email, and bluetooth. Everyone has a second monitor, so it’s usually fairly easy to reference one document while working on another. The only real paper we use is notepads that people use to sketch ideas and take notes. Even that is being partially replaced by tools we’ve built in-house like “gTimer”, gTodo, gDocs (our internal shared notes tool), and others.

I’m lucky right now because my condo is only a minute away from the office, so the occasional item that really needs to be printed (contracts mostly) just gets printed at my place and walked over. I think when we move I’ll set up a printer in the office, but keep it off the network to minimize the temptation of printing things off for quick reference.

I thought this was kind of interesting, because it made me think back to my first web job where we printed mountains of documents, and this was during the height of the “paperless office” hype. I’d be interested to hear if other people are also finding that their dependency on paper is decreasing as screen resolutions increase and the technology for sharing and organizing documents gets better.