Grant Skinner

The "g" in gskinner. Also the "skinner".


Source Code: SharpenFilter for Flash 8

As an experiment in extending existing filters, I decided to take a swing at creating a sharpen filter. It was very simple to do, and works exactly as you would expect. All I did was extend ConvolutionFilter and abstract the logic required to carry out sharpen operations with it. You can download it here to use in your own projects, or to learn from.

Using it is really easy:

import com.gskinner.filters.SharpenFilter;
// sharpen amount is between 0-100.
var sharpenF:SharpenFilter = new SharpenFilter(sharpenAmount);
myClip.filters = [sharpenF];
// change the amount:
sharpenF.amount = 50;
// get the amount:

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XML2 Updated

In my rush to release the updated version of XML2, I managed to upload the wrong version, which had some issues. I didn’t have the proper version with me in LA, so it wasn’t until today that I was able to upload the proper version. My apologies to anyone who downloaded the prior version and was confused by it.

You can view all documentation, and download the proper version from my previous entry on XML2. You can tell if you have the latest version by looking at the comments at the top. The new version has a revision history, whereas the old version did not.

I also updated the demo FLA slightly to be a bit more straightforward.

gallery incomplet launches

The blog has been pretty quiet lately. Things have been really busy with conferences and workshops in addition to normal work. I’ve also been working hard on a personal project called gallery incomplet, which I’m launching today at [Note: moved to] is a timeline of experimental Flash pieces that I have played with and never really completed. It currently houses work from 2004-2005, but I plan to include pieces all the way back to 1999 over the next few months. The site was designed with usability in mind but it wasn’t a driving concern, I was more interested in creating a simple, small (35kb), attractive shell that didn’t distract from the experiments which are the obvious focus. Likewise, there are few compromises for older systems – the site requires a fast processor, Flash Player 8, and at least a 1024×768 screen.

Just as the experiments are never really complete, the gallery will continue to evolve as I add content, update functionality, and tweak the design. The whole site is really an exercise in passionate procrastination.

Click over to and have a look. I’d love to hear what you think of it. [Note: moved to]

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XML2 Updated for Flash 8

Flash 8 introduced a new “feature” whereby EventDispatcher handles events named “load”, “draw”, and “move” differently. This broke the previous version of the XML2 class, which dispatches “load” events. I have updated it to use a “complete” event instead – it’s a little less intuitive perhaps, but it works. I’ve also added support for a “httpStatus” (F8 only) event, as well as adding some missing typing on method params.

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Recap of Flash 8 Bootcamp

I just got back from delivering my Flash 8 Bootcamp in Toronto, and speaking at the Spark conference in Amsterdam (awesome conference – more on that soon). I think the workshop went really well. I had about 30 Flashers with a real diversity of backgrounds attend. Everyone seemed to have fun and learn a lot, and I don’t believe I lost anyone over the two days (except maybe when I got into bitwise operations and color math – I’m planning on allocating a bit more time to that in LA).

It was a lot of fun to teach, and I want to say thank you to everyone who attended. I’d also like to thank everyone at FitC who organized the workshop (Shawn, Liz, Rick). I’m really looking forwards to the Los Angeles run. If you are interested in attending, check out the workshop outline here, or visit the sign up page here.

UPDATE: The bootcamp will be running in London, UK on February 11-12. Please read the announcement for more information.

Here’s some of the feedback I’ve received so far:

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Great Pumpkin Showdown II: Winner

After a week of voting, the winner of the Great Pumpkin Showdown II was pretty clear. Macromedia (Adobe) better watch out, because piracy seems to be all the rage with Flash developers these days.

Unlike last year, where the results were neck and neck, this year was a landslide victory. The pirate pumpkin won out with 147 votes. Frank came in a distant second with 91 votes, and the Puki pumpkin trailed with 78 votes.

Here’s a look at the pumpkins the day after hallowe’en. I was going to take a picture after voting ended, but the pumpkins dissolved into protoplasm by day 3 and had to be poured into the garbage can (ewww).

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Flash 8 Bootcamp

I realized I’ve never blogged this officially, so I thought I should.

Over the past couple months I have been assembling a new workshop called ” Flash 8 Bootcamp“, which I will be running in Toronto on Nov 11-12 (this Friday-Saturday) and Los Angeles on Dec 2-3. It is an intensive two day workshop that covers every new feature of Flash 8 in gritty detail. The thing I like about this workshop is that unlike my previous “Enterprise Development” workshop, this workshop is accessible to a much broader range of Flashers (both because of the low pricing, and the lower prerequisites) and the content is much more future-proof. While the course won’t specifically look at AS3, I’d say over 80% of the content is directly applicable to it. This is largely due to the fact that most of the Flash 8 features were added with AS3 migration in mind.

UPDATE: The bootcamp will be running in London, UK on February 11-12. Please read the announcement for more information.

I also like this workshop because it should be a lot of fun. While I love teaching hardcore technical content, it’s nice to do a course that is much more relaxed and visual.

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Flash 8: Webcam Fire

I’ve been building out some new demos for upcoming conference sessions and workshops, and really like this one, which generates fire onscreen based on webcam motion. It basically turns you into the Human Torch. I think it’s a nice counterpoint to my Webcam Snowstorm experiment – fire and ice.

Another thing I find really cool about this is that it’s only a 1kb swf. Good work Flash engineering team!

Check it out, Flash 8 Player and a webcam is required:

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