
Shawn has worked as programmer and product designer for over 20 years, shipping several games on Steam and Playstation and dozens of apps on mobile. He has extensive programming experience with Dart, C#, ActionScript, SQL, PHP and Javascript and a deep proficiency with motion graphics and UX design. Shawn is currently the Technical Director for gskinner.


Flutter: Conditional Compilation for Web

One of the big issues with Flutter for Web right now is it’s lack of support for This means things like a simple Platform.isAndroid call will cause your web builds to crash on startup. In fact, just including the package _at all_ will break your app completely.

In cases like this, what is needed is some form of conditional compilation, so we can include the code on some platforms, and exclude it on others.

Some platforms like Unity, have built in platform defines, which let you easily partition sections of code for specific platforms. Unfortunately, this is not so easy to do with Flutter, but it is possible!

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Flutter: Simplify Platform & Screen Size Detection

In the never-ending quest to reduce boilerplate and DRY up our code in Flutter, we have noticed that using the MediaQuery class can be a bit cumbersome, and it’s also missing a couple of key pieces of information.

The issues we see are:

  • MediaQuery.of(context) is a bit verbose on its face
  • Checking for orientation especially is too long:
    bool isLandscape = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation == Orientation.landscape
  • There is no diagonal size parameter, so you can’t easily get the true screen size of the device, helpful for determining your form factor
  • There is no way to get the size in inches, which can be useful when thinking about breakpoints (for most people, 4.5″ is easier to picture, than 720 logical pixels)

To that end, we have small Screen helper class, that we use across all our new projects:

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Flutter: WidgetView – A Simple Separation of Layout and Logic

One of the most interesting aspects of Flutter, is the way it mixes declarative markup-style code, with imperative business logic style code, all within the same Dart programming language and file. This creates a really nice coupling between interface and function. When compared to editing XAML for UWP apps, or XML for native Android, building interfaces in Flutter can be a very rapid workflow.

While this is really nice from a productivity standpoint, it also manifests as one of Flutters biggest issues…

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Flutter: Creating a Flippable Box with TweenAnimationBuilder

One of the great things about Flutter, is how you can use composition to combine multiple built-in Widgets, creating unique UI’s very quickly and easily.

Today, we’re going to create a FlippableBox, which is a double-sided card, that holds two pieces of content and automatically re-sizes to match its content, whenever it’s flipped over.

It will end up looking something like this:

Final State
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New dev update for Bardbarian!


Over at TreeFortress we’ve put together a massive dev update for our upcoming game Bardbarian. To read all about it, check out the TreeFortress blog!

If you’re not familiar, Bardbarian is an iOS/Android game, built with Adobe AIR and the Starling Framework, and is slated for a Spring/Summer release in 2013. TreeFortress is a seperate division of gskinner, focused solely on creating our own apps and games. Follow them directly if you’re interested!