Five years of studying architecture, over two years of grinding in the industry, and one devastating thought — Do I want to keep doing this? Was this another period of burnout? I don’t think so. But was something new sparking? Maybe…
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Introducing Flutter Custom Carousel
We’re really excited to introduce a new package called Flutter Custom Carousel, a widget for creating fully custom, animated scrollable lists. It manages all of the tricky logic surrounding scroll interactions and physics, and leaves the visual presentation of items up to you.
The idea came from discussions about building a carousel widget; we were looking at the wide diversity of carousel UIs, debating which one to create, and what parameters were needed to customize it. There were too many possibilities, each with a vast range of potential customizations, and it became obvious we either had to pick a single option and try to perfect it, or take a more radical approach that empowered developers to do “anything”.
Continue reading →Flokk – How we built a Desktop App Using Flutter
Earlier this year Google and Ubuntu approached us with an open brief, to try and create a full-scale desktop application for Linux, macOS, Web, and Windows. The result was Flokk, which we released (and open-sourced) back in July.
In this post, we’re going to dive into some of the challenges we faced, the discoveries we made, and desktop-specific features that we added.
Continue reading →A Dive Into the CAMP Site Assets
The site we made for the 2019 CAMP Festival for creatives recently won an Applied Arts award for Community Promotional Design! To celebrate, we looked back at some of the assets that went into the site experience.
The Site
Continue reading →Introducing: Flokk – A Desktop App built with Flutter!
After several months of hard work, we’re excited to announce our latest collaboration with Google, Canonical, and the Flutter Team, it’s a cross-platform app called Flokk!
Continue reading →Blender: Shader to RGB Node
Recently I saw this video explaining all 80+ Blender material nodes on my YouTube homepage. Naturally, I watched the video and one of the nodes, in particular, caught my attention: the Shader to RGB Node.
Continue reading →Cinema 4D Lite vs Blender
I’ve been recently learning Cinema 4D Lite in my professional development time at gskinner and comparing it to Blender 2.8. After having spent time in both pieces of software, I wanted to share the pros and cons of using these 3D tools. So here is what I know you’ve all been waiting for: the C4D Lite vs. Blender Battle of 2020!
Battle of the Software!
I couldn’t think of a better way to test two 3D packages than with a hot sauce bottle showdown. Using both C4D Lite and Blender, I tried to create the same scene to showcase the abilities of both.
Continue reading →Flutter: Tame those TextStyles!
One of the most verbose parts of Flutter is handling of various font styles, sizes, and families. In this post, we’ll show a couple of the tricks we’re using in production to ease this pain point.
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